Thursday, July 20, 2006
Israel vs. Islamo-fascists
While media coverage has been a mixed bag regarding current events, the left's moonbats appear to be rather stumped as to how to deal with the issues taking place. Do they really want to show their genuine sympathy for Hezbollah and Hamas in the eyes of the world as they have done for Saddam Hussein, Al Queda, and a host of other authoritarian entities and personalities?
The most they can muster at this point is the usual lip service regarding civilian causalities and a "humanitarian crisis." History clearly demonstrates they could care less about civilian casualties when it's for the "cause" of imposing "revolutionary socialism" or Islamic theocracy (i.e. Iraq).
It's a poorly guarded secret that the left in general has a default position of hatred for the Jews that is typically circumvented by a narrower hatred for the state of Israel - one of the few civilized states in the Middle East. Like Hitler, Stalin, or any other authoritarian mind, the idea of a people noteworthy for worldly success and overcoming great odds through individual effort is too much to tolerate. Yes, I'm aware that there are and have been several Jews themselves who have been at the forefront of leftist causes (and mock self-loathing -- Karl Marx and Noam Chomsky being significant examples).
I might note that this writer is half Lebanese but knows the difference between an open democratic society and ruthless authoritarian sludge. Israel has my vote.
The current issue is well summed up by Dennis Prager in his current essay:
"...Think about Israel for one moment: Israel is one of the most advanced countries on earth in terms of culture (most books published, translated from other languages and read per capita; most orchestras per capita, etc.); major advances in medicine; technological breakthroughs; and decency as a society, as exemplified by its treatment of its women, gays and even its large Arab minority (particularly remarkable in light of the widespread Arab and Muslim anti-Semitism and desire to annihilate Israel). This is hardly a picture of some bloodthirsty, land-grabbing society. And Jews, whatever their flaws, have never been known to be a violent people. If anything, the stereotypical Jew has been depicted as particularly docile...."